uematsu_at_phys.kyutech.ac.jp に連絡いただければ、論文をお送りします。


  • [27]. Tomoya Iwashita, Yuki Uematsu, Masahide Terazima, and Ryo Akiyama,
    Decomposition of Friction Coefficients to Analyze Hydration Effects on a C60(OH)n,
    J. Chem. Phys. 161, 244907 (2024). (15 pages, regular article) [PDF]
  • [26]. Yuki Uematsu, Suguru Iwai, Mariko Konishi, and Shinsuke Inagi,
    Zeta potentials of cotton membranes in acetonitrile solutions,
    Langmuir 40, 20294-20301 (2024). (8 pages, regular article, Open Access) doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c02798
  • [25]. Yuki Uematsu and Keiju Suda,
    Statistical-Mechanical Theory on the Probability Distribution Function for the Net Charge of an Electrolyte Droplet,
    Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 41, 2400111 (2024). (5 pages, regular article, YU invited, Open Access) doi:10.1002/ppsc.202400111
  • [24]. Riku Miyazaki, Yasuyuki Kimura, and Yuki Uematsu,
    Nanobubble-Assisted Formation of Non-Gaseous Nanoparticles in Water,
    Physica A 648, 129932 (2024). (9 pages, regular article, YU invited, Open Access) doi:10.1016/j.physa.2024.129932
  • [23]. Maximilian Becker, Philip Loche, Majid Rezaei, Amanuel Wolde-Kidan, Yuki Uematsu, Roland R. Netz, and Douwe Jan Bonthuis,
    Multiscale modeling of aqueous electric double layers,
    Chem. Rev. 124, 1-26 (2024). (26 pages, review article, Open Access) doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.3c00307, [PDF]
  • [22]. Haruto Iwasaki, Yasuyuki Kimura, and Yuki Uematsu
    Ubiquitous preferential water adsorption to electrodes in water/1-propanol mixtures detected by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,
    J. Phys. Chem. C 127, 23382-23389 (2023). (8 pages, regular article) doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c05320, [PDF]
  • [21]. Sota Inoue, Yasuyuki Kimura, and Yuki Uematsu
    Ostwald ripening of aqueous microbubble solutions,
    J. Chem. Phys. 157, 244704 (2022). (9 pages, regular article) doi:10.1063/5.0128696, [PDF]
  • [20]. Yuki Uematsu,
    Analytic theory of nonlinearly coupled electrokinetics in nanochannels,
    Phys. Fluids 34, 122012 (2022). (8 pages, regular article) doi:10.1063/5.0131481, [PDF]
  • [19]. Yuki Uematsu and Hiroyuki Ohshima,
    Electrophoretic mobility of a water-in-oil droplet separately affected by the net charge and surface charge density,
    Langmuir 38, 4213-4221 (2022). (9 pages, regular article) doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c03145, [PDF]
  • [18]. Yuki Uematsu,
    Electrification of water interface,
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter 33, 423001 (2021). (21 pages, Topical review, invited) doi:10.1088/1361-648X/ac15d5, [PDF]
  • [17]. Majid Rezaei, Bernhard Mitterwallner, Philip Loche, Yuki Uematsu, Roland R. Netz, and Douwe Jan Bonthuis,
    Interfacial, electroviscous, and nonlinear dielectric effects on electrokinetics at highly charged surfaces,
    J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 4767-4778 (2021). (12 pages, regular article) doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c11280, [PDF], Open Access.
  • [16]. Alexandre dos Santos, Yuki Uematsu, Alexander Rathert, Philip Loche, and Roland Netz,
    Consistent description of ion-specificity in bulk and at interfaces by solvent implicit simulations and mean-field theory,
    J. Chem. Phys. 153, 034103 (2020). (14 pages, regular article) doi:10.1063/5.001610, [PDF]
  • [15]. Yuki Uematsu, Douwe Jan Bonthuis, and Roland R. Netz,
    Nanomolar surface-active charged impurities account for the zeta potential of hydrophobic surfaces,
    Langmuir 36, 3645-3658 (2020). (14 pages, regular article) doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b03795, [PDF]
  • [14]. Philip Loche, Cihan Ayaz, Alexander Schlaich, Yuki Uematsu, and Roland R. Netz,
    Giant Axial Dielectric Response in Water-Filled Nanotubes and Effective Electrostatic Ion-Ion Interactions from a Tensorial Dielectric Model,
    J. Phys. Chem. B, 123, 10850-10857, (2019). (8 pages, regular article) doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b09269, [PDF]
  • [13]. Yuki Uematsu, Douwe J. Bonthuis, and Roland R. Netz,
    Impurity Effects at Hydrophobic Surfaces
    Curr. Opin. Electrochem. 13, 166-173 (2019). (8 pages, short review, RRN invited) doi:10.1016/j.coelec.2018.09.003, [PDF]
  • [12]. Yuki Uematsu, Kengo Chida, and Hiroki Matsubara,
    Intentionally Added Ionic Surfactants Induce Jones-Ray Effect at Air-Water Interface
    Colloid Interface Sci. Commun. 27, 45-48 (2018). (4 pages, letter) doi:10.1016/j.colcom.2018.10.003, [PDF]
  • [11]. Ram M. Adar, Yuki Uematsu, Shigeyuki Komura, and David Andelman,
    Linear Response Functions of an Electrolyte Solution in a Uniform Flow
    Phys. Rev. E 98, 032604 (2018). (10 pages, regular article) doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.98.032604, [PDF]
  • [10]. Yuki Uematsu, Roland R. Netz, and Douwe J. Bonthuis,
    Analytical interfacial layer model for the capacitance and electrokinetics of charged aqueous interfaces
    Langmuir 34, 9097-9113 (2018). (17 pages, feature article, RRN invited) doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b04171, [PDF]
    Selected for the cover image of the issue.
  • [9]. Yuki Uematsu, Roland R. Netz, Lydéric Bocquet, and Douwe J. Bonthuis,
    Cross-over of the power law exponent for carbon nanotube conductivity as a function of salinity
    J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 2992-2997 (2018). (6 pages, regular article) doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b01975, [PDF]
  • [8]. Yuki Uematsu, Roland R. Netz, and Douwe J. Bonthuis,
    The effects of ion adsorption on the potential of zero charge and the differential capacitance of charged aqueous interfaces
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter 30, 064002 (2018). (7 pages, regular article, YU invited) doi:10.1088/1361-648X/aaa4d4, [PDF]
  • [7]. Yuki Uematsu, Douwe J. Bonthuis, and Roland R. Netz,
    Charged Surface-Active Impurities At Nanomolar Concentration Induce Jones-Ray Effect
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 189–193 (2018). (5 pages, letter) doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b02960, [PDF]
  • [6]. Yuki Uematsu, Roland R. Netz, and Douwe J. Bonthuis,
    Power-law electrokinetic behavior as a direct probe of effective surface viscosity
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 670, 11-15 (2017). (5 pages, letter) doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2016.12.056, [PDF]
    Selected for the cover image of the issue.
  • [5]. Douwe J. Bonthuis, Yuki Uematsu, and Roland R. Netz,
    Interfacial Layer Effects on Surface Capacitances and Electro-osmosis in Electrolytes
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 374, 20150033 (2016). (9 pages, regular article, RRN invited) doi:10.1098/rsta.2015.0033, [PDF]
  • [4]. Yuki Uematsu,
    Nonlinear Electro-Osmosis of Dilute Non-Adsorbing Polymer Solutions with Low Ionic Strength
    Soft Matter 11, 7402-7411 (2015). (10 pages, regular article) doi:10.1039/C5SM01507C, [PDF], Open Access
  • [3]. Yuki Uematsu,
    Electrophoresis of Electrically Neutral Porous Spheres Induced by Selective Affinity of Ions
    Phys. Rev. E 91, 022303 (2015). (10 pages, regular article) doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.91.022303, [PDF]
  • [2]. Yuki Uematsu and Takeaki Araki,
    Electro-Osmotic Flow of Semidilute Polyelectrolyte Solutions
    J. Chem. Phys. 139, 094901 (2013). (8 pages, regular article) doi:10.1063/1.4820236, [PDF]
  • [1]. Yuki Uematsu and Takeaki Araki,
    Effects of Strongly Selective Additives on Volume Phase Transition in Gels
    J. Chem. Phys. 137, 024902 (2012). (8 pages, regular article) doi:10.1063/1.4732857, [PDF]


  • [B3]. Physics of the surface tension at the interface of electrolyte solutions
    JSAP Review 240405, (2024)
    (5 pages, English Translation of [J10]) doi:10.11470/jsaprev.240405
  • [B2]. Yuki Uematsu
    Ion adsorption and zeta potential of hydrophobic interfaces,
    Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces, 519-529 (2024). (11 pages, YU invited) [Elsevier]
  • [B1]. Yuki Uematsu,
    Electro-osmosis of polymer solutions: linear and nonlinear behavior,
    Springer Theses, Springer Singapore (2017). (73 pages, YU invited) [Springer]
    doi:10.1007/978-981-10-3424-4, ISBN: 978-981-10-3424-4
    The original thesis is avaliable in [Kyoto University repository].


  • [J10]. 植松祐輝
    応用物理 93, 236-239 (2024)
  • [J9]. 植松祐輝
    日本機械学会誌 126, 26-29 (2023)
  • [J8]. 植松祐輝
    明治専門学校/九州工業大学 同窓会会誌 明専会報 9・10, 4-5 (2022)
  • [J7]. 植松祐輝
    分子シミュレーション学会 会誌 アンサンブル 23, 88-95 (2021).
    (特集「電解質溶液」、8頁 、寄稿)doi:10.11436/mssj.23.88
  • [J6]. 植松祐輝
    日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会 部会誌 C & I Commun. 42, 34-35 (2017).
  • [J5]. 植松祐輝
    Germany-Japan Young Scientist meeting on “Dynamic ordering of biomolecular systems for creation of integrated function" 開催報告
    新学術領域研究 生命分子システムにおける動的秩序形成と高次機能発現 ニュースレター 50, 8, (2017). (寄稿)[LINK] [PDF]
  • [J4]. 植松祐輝
    大学の物理教育 22, 129 (2016). (教育に関する一言、寄稿)doi:10.11316/peu.22.3_129_2
    [J-STAGE] [PDF]
  • [J3]. 植松祐輝, 真梶克彦
    大学の物理教育 21, 135-138 (2015). (教育実践、査読あり)doi:10.11316/peu.21.3_135
  • [J2]. 植松祐輝
    JPhO News Letter 13, 15 (2015). (物理チャレンジOPたちは今...、寄稿)[LINK] [PDF]